Sunday September 15 - Now It’s Like This Workshop
1:30 - 3:30pm
You are an impermanent creature. We all are. Human beings are gifted in the way we are able to morph and change. This workshop will focus on our ability to shape-shift both in our minds and in our bodies. Learn how to be content with what is, and not need it to be any other way. Arm balances, inversions, and other challenges may come up, but not without a proper build. All levels welcome!
Member: 30$
Regular: 40$
Sunday September 15 - Pipe Dream
4 - 5:30pm
It is good for our souls to yearn for something, to have a pipe dream, a wild idea. This class will focus on your yearning for personal meaning. The kind of yearning that pulls you toward your heart — into your wild nature and deepest desires. A sweat-filled practice with forward folds to allow for deep listening, shoulder and hip openers to release stagnant energy. Heart openers to feel a more expansive sense of self and a guided meditation to finish. Emerge with the clarity that comes from spending 90 minutes in a beautiful dream state where everything is possible.
Monday September 16 - You’re Here For A Reason
6 - 7:15pm
The deal is YOU MATTER. There is a reason you are here in this place, at this time. You didn’t laugh it off or dismiss it, you followed the call. Discover that reason and more in this Vinyasa flow class centered around twists, hips, and a touch of the unknown.
Reserve your spot HERE